Sunday, 6 March 2016



  1. In the first paragraph, I am going to talk about my foundation portfolio, which was Lights Out!. My group and I used iMovie for the final edit cut and it was very suitable for our Film Noir style so we could create transitions between camera angles.
  2. We also used Final Cut Pro
  3. I learned how make the film better as I analysed the location recce. I contributed to the dialogue and the storyboards, it helped me plan out the scenes and give me a better view of what should happen in each scene. I also did some research on YouTube for potential soundtracks for our short film.
  4. I also got help from a photographer to convey the various mood boards for each scene for Lights Out! and A Question Of Identity and with her help, I learned how to work a range of programmes.
  5. Furthermore, I also looked at YouTube to look at other successful short films so I could grasp the concept of making a short film and getting fresh ideas from them. 
I am going to set this out like a PQA style so I can fully address to the exam board what My short film and film trailer is about so that they can get a clear understanding.


  1. In the opening paragraphs I am going to recall the topics and apply this to my A2 trailer. As a group, we looked at the film Taken. It was reminiscent to my film as it is about seeking for justice and avenging.
  2. I am then going to introduce theorists such as Levi Strauss, Vladimir prop, Mark Kermode and If Narrative is going to be asked within my film, I shall talk about Todorov's theory of narrative and disequilibrium with a distinct storyline to follow as this is more conventional. This way, I can then refer to my Media text.
  3. I would then talk about Roland Barthes.
  4. I would then talk about the rhetorical questions used within the trailer.
  5. I would then talk about the survey we made for the title of the film and we used my fellow peers.
  6. I would then introduce the Hypodermic Syringe model. 

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