For my evaluation question,
feedback is a necessity for film Posters and trailers and this is crucial for
me to receive feedback
So I can then assess and
act upon the feedback given.
So far I have received feedback
for my film poster, where I received praise and constructive criticism. This
would allow me to make improvements, but now I need to get feedback for our
film trailer.
During the process of my group
and I making the film, we documented and carefully looked at the feedback that
was given to us, so that we could make changes as we want our film trailer to
be as compelling as humanly possible.
The really important and
helpful concept behind receiving feedback is because it is really important to
get an honest opinion from somebody who is from our target audience. We are
addressing the film trailer to the selected target audience and getting another
opinion from that selected target audience is very important to see whether we
have drawn the target audience into our product successfully and whether we
have fully addressed the codes and conventions of the film trailer.
I know that feedback will
greatly benefit my group and I’s film trailer because I used feedback for my
film poster, as mentioned in my previous point, where I was able to make my
poster as authentic and effective as humanly possible.
We were praised for the custody scene, as
it looked very convincing. After this shot, it shows a black and white grainy
quality, which is viewed from the perspective of a surveillance camera. The
camera also displayed the date and time. These effects were praised because of
our sharp editing use and this was one of many scenes where we were praised for
good editing.
We were praised for the very fast paced
hard cuts. Along with this compliment, we created a sense of enigma. This shot
for example shows the main protagonist pursuing the Ghost unseen wielding a
camera, taking photos of him. We also created suspense with the custody scene,
zooming into documents where it really creates suspense for the audience.
My group received positive feedback from
the beginning sequence showing the high angle establishing shot of London and
the main positive feedback my group got was how authentically real it looked.
My group and I were also praised for the text. The text anchored the meaning of
the visuals and it carefully explained the scenarios addressed in the film.
Praised for editing: Inter titles: How far
would you go- 2nd person plural= addressing the audience,
questioning them.
Praised for sound: Sound bridge- ‘She was
acting suspicious’
Significant dialogue- ‘Someone’s trying to
set me up’
Key info only- good trailer
establishes genre.
I now need to get the required photos from
the trailer in order to write a fully sentenced articulate reflection of our
film trailer.
(More photos needed)
My group was praised for the very
significant sound bridge that was made during the custody scene. For instance,
as Aaron is digging through the roots of the situation regarding Sydney’s
actions, he says “she was acting suspicious” the sound bridge is played over
the scene where Sydney is peering through shop windows. The short snippets
connote key information to the audience.
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